Alimony Lawyer Trinity FL

The Alimony Lawyers to Choose for Your Case in Trinity, FL

Picture of a pair of glasses, notebooks, binder clips, a pen, coins, and a calculator displaying the word "alimony."Are you going through a divorce? If so, have you thought about the potential ramifications of an alimony award? Alimony (also known as “spousal support”) is designed to keep divorcing spouses in the same standard of living they had while they were married. These awards are decided on a case-by-case basis, with the court often considering whether one spouse requires financial help and whether the other spouse can feasibly supply that support.

Fortunately, if you’re in Trinity, Florida, or the surrounding area, you won’t need to look far for a qualified alimony lawyer. That’s because you can turn to the Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis, P.A., a trusted local firm that exclusively focuses on divorce and other family law matters.

The Various Types of Alimony

There are numerous kinds of alimony that can be awarded during a divorce, including:

  • Bridge-the-gap alimony
  • Durational alimony
  • Permanent periodic alimony
  • Rehabilitative alimony
  • Temporary alimony

A knowledgeable alimony lawyer can explain what each of these types involves and let you know whether any of them might apply in your case.

Speak to an Alimony Lawyer

Whether you’re paying it or receiving it, an alimony award can have a tremendous impact on your finances, so it’s important to have an experienced alimony lawyer on your side. Contact the Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis, P.A., today and let us know that you’d like to schedule an initial consultation. Trinity, FL, is located directly between our main office in New Port Richey and our satellite office in Palm Harbor.

The divorce and Family Law Attorneys at The Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis provide services in the following counties: Pasco County, Pinellas County, Hernando County and Hillsborough County. Let us help you today!

How Can We Help You

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