Child Custody Lawyer Brooksville FL

Child Custody Lawyers Skillfully Handling Cases for Clients in Brooksville, FL

Picture of a father hugging his daughter as she holds a card with a heart on the front.When you need a child custody lawyer in Brooksville, Florida, you won’t have to look far—simply turn to the experienced advocates at the Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis, P.A. We’re a respected law firm that handles all types of family law issues, and we’d be honored to assist you with your upcoming parental responsibility (custody) or time-sharing (visitation) case.

How to Approach a Child Custody Case

Fighting for custody can be a stressful, high-conflict situation. It can be tempting to take out your frustrations on the other parent, but it’s important to remember that the family court judge will be focusing on your child’s best interests when making their determination. This means that you should:

  • Remain calm and speak to the other parent respectfully, especially when your child is in the room
  • Refrain from talking negatively about the other parent to and in front of your child
  • Never ask your child to choose sides
  • Comply with the agreed-upon visitation schedule
  • Keep up with your child support payments (if applicable)

Attend a Consultation

Are you ready to start moving forward with your case? Then don’t delay—contact the Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis, P.A., today and let us know that you’d like to meet with one of our child custody lawyers. Proudly serving clients from across Brooksville, FL, we have offices in New Port Richey and Palm Harbor, and we can meet at whichever one is most convenient for you. During your appointment, we’ll review any relevant documentation you have available, speak with you about what’s occurred in your case so far and what you’d like to see happen in the future, and provide you with our initial thoughts on case strategy.

The divorce and Family Law Attorneys at The Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis provide services in the following counties: Pasco County, Pinellas County, Hernando County and Hillsborough County. Let us help you today!

How Can We Help You

Need legal representation? Fill in our contact form with some information about your case/concern. One of our representatives will respond to you shortly.