High Net Worth Divorce – Trinity, FL

Knowledgeable High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer You Can Trust in Trinity, FL

Going through a divorce can be incredibly confusing and overwhelming. Especially if you have a large net worth to worry about protecting. Don’t do it alone – partner with the experienced team at the Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis, P.A. Clients. We will do everything in our power to ensure that you reach an amicable resolution while always representing your interests in court and making sure you are fully informed every step of the way.

Our talented team possesses both extensive experience in the courtroom and the skills and training needed to aggressively litigate your case all the way through trial if necessary. We have been serving residents of the Trinity, Florida, area, for years and once you partner with us it will be clear why we are the best.

Our Divorce Practice

At the Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis, P.A. Clients, our knowledgeable divorce attorneys will guide you through your divorce case from start to finish. From the time you file and serve divorce papers all the way until your divorce is completely finalized, our team will be there for you. We can also help you divide your assets, advocate for you to receive alimony (if appropriate) and do everything we can to ensure that your interests remain protected.

Our divorce attorneys are also highly experienced in the Collaborative Divorce and Family Law process if that is the path you choose.

Contact Us To Learn More

Ensure your assets remain protected during a divorce and partner with the Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis, P.A. Our main office is located on Massachusetts Avenue in New Port Richey, FL, and is open from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Contact us today to arrange a consultation with one of our high net worth divorce lawyers proudly serving the Trinity, FL, area.

The divorce and Family Law Attorneys at The Law Offices of Audrey A. Jefferis provide services in the following counties: Pasco County, Pinellas County, Hernando County and Hillsborough County. Let us help you today!

How Can We Help You

Need legal representation? Fill in our contact form with some information about your case/concern. One of our representatives will respond to you shortly.